Exercise: Build a Robot

Build a Robot

Assignment: For this assignment, we had to construct a robot out of everyday household objects. Once we have chosen the objects, we then draw out how we construct the robot. Then the directions are given to a friend to build in less than ten minutes.

Items: Exacto knife, tape, scissors, 1 water bottle, 2 toilet paper rolls, 2 note cards, 1 pencil, and 1 poof ball

Building of Robot

Building of Robot



  • Take the plastic bottle and use Exacto knife to make holes in the bottle without damaging its shape.
  • Take the toilet paper rolls and measure 1/3rd of the way down the tube. Cut along dashed lines and use Exacto knife to cut a whole in between the two cuts.
  • Then take the two note cards and fold at lines and tape shut.
  • Push pencil through bottom holes on bottle.
  • Cut the note card box on dotted lines to create a tab and fold outward.
  • Push tabs of the note card box into top holes on bottle. This creates the arms.
  • Stick pencil ends into the e hole on each toilet paper roll, create legs of the robot.
  • With tape, stick poof ball on lid of bottle.

My roommate seemed to have fun building it. It didn’t take her to long to build the robot. I think the only thing that was challenging for her, was to stick the note card arms into the inserts on the bottle.



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