What I’m Thankful For . . .

Assignment: We have to post on what we are thankful for this time of year.

I am really not sure what to write about for this post. For me, this topic is kind of personal. Honestly, there are many things that I am thankful for, many things are over stuff that anyone would be thankful for. So I guess I will just talk about things that I am thankful for that first come to mind.

I am thankful for my wonderful, supporting family. I am also thankful for my super sweet cat, Tiger, who seems to always cheer me up when I am down. I am grateful that I was able to go to the college of my choice, and that I have nearly made it successfully through my first semester of my second year in college. I am also thankful for my amazing friends and my amazing roommate. Lastly I am thankful for how a family friend is doing well after going through tragic events. Honestly I feel that I am thankful for everything that has happened in my life.

. . . This was an interesting class and I learned some new things too. I really wasn’t sure what I would do in this class but it was interesting. Some of the assignments were a little challenging, but I don’t believe that I particularly disliked any of the assignments. In fact, the exercises helped my creative thinking, I really thought that the group work was helpful because it helped me come up with more ideas. I honestly felt that the exercise that gave short time periods also helped spur creativity and also gave an idea of deadlines. I think the assignments helped strengthen my skills. I also enjoyed the stop motion video project, it is fun seeing what peoples’ brains come up with at the spur of the moment.