Betrayal . . . Our Stop Motion Video

So . . . the idea that my friend, Natalie, and I  came up with for the stop-motion video got changed up a bit. We decided not to use carrots in our video and instead used pears. The storyline also got changed up. It went from a tragedy, to a happy romance, and finally, to the bitter sweet betrayal of Marie and Francisco, the French pears.

Tragedy was our first idea, we originally wanted a Romeo and Juliet like feel to our video that would have one of the carrots dying and the other ending its life to ensure it could stay with its one true love for all of eternity. When we could not find decent carrots, we changed the characters into pears, and decided to go with Natalie’s idea to create a cutesy romance story, no death and sadness. that soon changed in the process though. We decided that one of the pears, Francisco, would be killed through death by garbage disposal. Yeah, our story grew quite dark and disturbing.

The making of the video was tedious. I hated having to take numerous pictures, and then after figuring out that we messed up somewhere. Occasionally, we would have to redo a scene because the phone was freezing up or the movement was too fast. But in all, I think Natalie and I did good for our first stop-motion video.

The song that we decided to use, was “Danse Macabre” from the anime, Kuroshitsuji. We chose this song, because it was fast paced and waltz-like to fit the theme of dancing pears, as well as it being somewhat creepy.

By the way, when you garbage disposal pears, you will be smelling the sweet fruity sent for the next hour. My roommate loved the aroma as well as the use of the garbage disposal . . .

“Putting it together, we used the program Monkeyjam to put all the images together into a movie. This program is specifically designed for 2-D or stop-motion animation. So, it made the process simpler than just using a video editing program. Although I had to take the video created in Monkeyjam over to a video editing program to add the music and the type, the use of AVS video editing software was simple to use due to my past experience with it when I made random videos a lot. Ignore the watermark put on the video, because I was not going to pay for it for this one project. If you want to know more, read the description at the bottom of the video.” This is what Natalie had to say for the stop-motion video.